A hellacious noise the thing makes ...
Amplified in the stair well.
Studying stock charts ...
I'm quite sick of it.
Not that I don't recommend it,
I do.
Make no mistake, this is spiritual writing.
I have lost and lost and lost.
The seventh bar in November
and the third bar in December
(where the month line is the first bar)
were "signals".
But, get money other ways, and plenty of it.
Try my meditation, especially if you're shy
about getting a job, or jobs.
Suddenly I am wondering
about the possibility of getting jobs.
I am thinking about Jun, freelancing in Osaka.
Me, really, all I can do is tree work
and I'm an amateur, at that.
I could enter design competitions.
Meditate, meditate, meditate!
May those not yet arisen
quickly perfect their minds
awakening as fully enlightened ones.
I am so tired of stock charts.
Do you see?
There was a top at twenty five, and another, at thirty.
Do you see how today's rally stopped, and reversed
at the level of the top of March and April?
Do you see this wedge
and how on the other chart there was a wedge?
Do you see how tops have only lasted a short while?
Do you see that $100 invested can only become that small a loss
and how a bit of patience would be required, but that
it could be rewarded?
Look at the way this chart came from Finviz
and how, if you can find it there yourself
below it, there were many headlines.
I followed one, and started to feel like family.