One of my dreams actually is to create the grocery delivery business.
No plastic. None of what we sell, not one single item, will ever be packaged in plastic, not at any time in its life.
We are, however, a technology company.
When you order stuff, you will talk to a shopper, live, over the Internet, using streaming video telephony.
You will talk to management, over live streaming video telephony.
I'm thinking about the customer base.
It is essential that our customers behave well.
Our whole mission is helping people behave well. We're an Eco Company.
Our mission is to help people prosper, and people prosper when they behave well.
However, are we going to achieve a base of customers who are behaving extremely will by reaching out only to well behaved people? That wouldn't be good behavior on our part.
We are going to set up a system for studying our customer base, which is EVERYONE. We are going to PERSONALLY GET TO KNOW EVERY LIVING HUMAN BEING. Then we are going to work hard to understand each of their personal needs, so that we can address those needs for them.